Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Content Curation Explained

Content curation, a term that gained popularity in 2010, is the art of culling relevant, valuable and useful information from the vast ocean of data, and presenting it in a cohesive, interesting and comprehensive style that gives a 'big picture' view of a specific niche topic.

No longer can anyone claim that they can peruse and make sense of all the content that exists (and is being constantly added) on even a very narrow range of subjects.  47 million websites were added in 2009 and an estimated 550 billion documents exist online today.

The role of a content curator was first proposed around 2004, when the catchy term 'Newsmastering' was introduced by Robin Good of MasterNewMedia.com to describe a dedicated content analyst who would gather, collate and categorize content from various sources and compile it for consumption by those who are interested.

<b>What makes content curation necessary?</b>
Read about the three factors that drive the demand for content curation on the Infopreneur Blog in an article titled:
"Content Curation - How Infopreneurs Can Quickly Add Value"


Monday, March 14, 2011

Facebook Sign Up - A Simple 'How To'

With its explosive growth, Facebook sign up millions of people daily. And many of them, especially if they are new to the Web, don't know how to join Facebook and get an account. A common question blog readers used to ask earlier was about "MySpace sign up" or "Yahoo sign up" - but now, most want to know how to sign up to Facebook.

Well, it's easy. Just 3 simple steps.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Which Book Did I Like BEST?

I read three books this week alone!

All were fascinating.

See what they were - and which one I liked best of all -
on the:
